
Yamawake is a permissionless fair auction token launchpad.

Fair auctions are auctions where all bidders share the tokens up for auction according to their bids, so everyone gets the same price. A minimum total raise amount can be set by the seller to secure the outcome and protect against auction failures.

In V1, an auction can be held where bidders bid in ETH for the sale of ERC20 tokens.

Official URLs:


For seller

You can manage and organise auctions by SIWE(Sign In With Ethereum)

Required parameters;

  • Token address
    • ERC20 token address
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Allotment
    • Amount for sale
  • Minimum raise amount
    • Sales are cancelled if not achieved/
  • Others
    • Project overviews

If minimum raise amount is met

The bid ETH can be claimed, 1% is collected by the protocol as a fee and the organiser gets the rest.

If minimum raise amount is not met

Seller can withdraw tokens deposited.

For bidder

You can bid on live auctions.

At the end of the auction you bid on, the claiming process depends on whether the acution have met the minimum raise amount.

If minimum raise amount is met

Bidders receive tokens in proportion to the amount of their own bids relative to the total amount of bids.

If minimum raise amount is not met

Bidder can withdraw ETH used to bid.

$YMWK(Yamawake DAO Token)

Yamawake’s governance token, $YMWK, has been issued.

Max supply is fixed at 1 billion YMWK (1B YMWK), with an initial issue of 450 million.

50 million of the initial supply will be distributed to sellers/bidders as initial rewards. (The amount of ETH bids is accumulated as a score)

Community Docs: https://docs.defigeek.xyz/

Discord: http://discord.gg/FQYXqVBEnh

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeFiGeekJapan